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About Us

Mission statement

The mission of Future Skills is the pursuit of the following principles:

  • Commitment: to inspire pro social behaviour and friendships, strong interpersonal skills and instil a sense of hope for the future
  • Responsibility: to empower people to establish their own goals and follow through on the commitments they make
  • Possibility: to expand the perspective of people to widen their awareness of their own opportunities
  • Support: to provide people with an empathetic, inclusive, supportive and empowering environment

Future Skills CIC will provide a positive and motivational environment that enables young people to recognise their own abilities and enable them to make positive choices in their lives 


Future Skills CIC will provide an opportunity to gain qualifications that will enable candidates to make positive contributions to their own lives and their community.

Aims and objectives

We will deliver a service that will provide a positive, rewarding and motivational environment that will enable candidates to develop and grow

Young people will engage in a mutually agreed programme that will improve their opportunities for the future

Our Origins…

Future Skills CIC was established in 2016 by three colleagues who have wide ranging experiences of working with people who have multiple barriers to learning. They combined their experience, knowledge and resources to develop workable solutions that could make real and sustainable differences to service users.

Our Vision…

To help people to a better future. We believe that we have the passion and the skills to provide an innovative approach to improve the skills and opportunities for those that have a disadvantage of opportunity – either real or perceived. We believe that our approach will provide sustainable positive changes to the lives of participants.

The ‘Active Ingredients’…

To facilitate the aims and objectives of Future Skills CIC and to support sustainable potential for learner progression we are always seeking funding partners, referrers, learners and potential employers.

If you think that Future Skills CIC is a concept that you would like to support and thereby become an ‘active ingredient’ in our recipe for bringing about positive employability change, then we will be pleased to hear and discuss options with you.

Please click here for contact details.